Monday, January 2, 2012

Eating Better....

I'm definitely gonna up my fruit and Veggies this year, and from now on really. In General I consider my self a good eater. I don't eat red meat or Pork. I Rarely eat fish and If I do it's Tuna Sandwiches. Although I haven't had one in quite sometime. I do eat Chicken and Turkey. But only started up on Turkey in the last few years cause I was Preggo and trying to get in more Protein. Well, I think I'm gonna cut back on the poultry. No more Turkey and less on the Chicken. Like I said I'm gonna up my color full foods!

Here's some use full info on eating a little better.

A Colorful Diet

The more color you add into your diet, the more nutrients you will get! With all the various colors, each food has different potential benefits to offer. Next time when grocery shopping, if your cart isn’t screaming the colors of the rainbow, educate yourself with the info below and take another lap.
Greens indicate antioxidant potential and fiber that reduce cancer risks and smoothens bowel movement.
Fruits: avocado, apples, grapes, honeydew, kiwi and lime
Vegetables: artichoke, asparagus, broccoli, green beans, green peppers, cucumber and leafy greens such as spinach
Orange and deep yellow fruits and vegetables contain nutrients that promote healthy vision, immunity and give you glowing skin.
Fruits: apricot, cantaloupe, grapefruit, mango, papaya, peach and pineapple
Vegetables: carrots, yellow pepper, yellow corn and sweet potatoes
Purple and blue options may have antioxidant and anti-aging benefits and may help with memory, urinary tract health.
Fruits: blackberries, blueberries, plums, raisins
Vegetables: eggplant, purple cabbage, purple-flesed potato, beetroot, turnip
Red indicate products that may help maintain a healthy heart, vision, immunity and to maintain a healthy hemoglobin level.
Fruits: cherries, cranberries, pomegranate, red/pink grape fruit, red grapes and watermelon
Vegetables: red onions, red peppers, red potatoes, rhubarb and tomatoes
White, tan and brown food contains nutrients that may promote heart health and reduce cancer risks and good vascular circulation.
Fruits: banana, brown bear, dates and white peaches
Vegetables: cauliflower, mushrooms, onions, parsnips, white-fleshed potato and white corn
via India BloomsImages via Online Health Store

1 comment:

  1. I eat a ton I mean TON of veggies and Fruits But I have a Jack Lalane juicer..I was doing so good juicing it up on a daily basis but I stopped since we moved to the house...and really started up some bad eating habits. I don't eat meat much eaither but I do crave a steak every once in awhile..I find I do when my body is lacking Iron... I need to get back on track as well!
